Tips : How To Cover Your Eyebrows


For about 3 times, I am "success" enough to cover eyebrows for some of my make up look. Not a good one, because I think I should doing more practices. But I think it is good to share a knowledge 'rite? And here we go Girls, a short post about a tips and trick how to get the brow-less ^^

First thing, you'll gonna need this :

White face powder, glue stick, eyebrow brush and concealer

Then following this steps :

Until this step #4, just repeat step #2 to #4 several times. Mine are 6 to 7 times, but my brows is thin. So for you who has thick brow, maybe you just repeated it more, until the brow feels flattened and and sleek *im not sure what it calls in english for "terasa rata dan menyatu dengan kulit" sorry :D*. After that you can continued to next step.

After the last step, then you can use any foundation or face painting for base of your make up. Here a result I've made when I covered my brows

Feel free to ask if there's any question. You can pm me or comment below. Thankyou ^^
8 comments on "Tips : How To Cover Your Eyebrows"
  1. Kerennnn, kayak botak alisnya. Mantep banget ce infonya ^0^

    1. pertamaan masi kurang rapih luc..tapi setelah 3-4x bikin lumayan lah..tapi mmg belom rapih. yuk dicoba :D

  2. kerenn c.. nice tutorial..
    itu glue sticknya glue stick apa c? beli dmn..
    aku kyknya harus kerja keras.. bulu alisku tebal dan panjangg.. OMG HELLOWWW..

    1. pake glue stick apa aja len..yg penting yg bentuk stik karena lebih gampang pakenya. pernah nyoba yg cair tapi susye boo..heheheh
      alis kamu sih kayaknya bisa 10 kali lebih len ahahahahaha...

  3. infoo yang superrr kerennnnn !!!!

  4. mesti dicoba ini makkk... nice tips


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